The uPVC Advantage
Our uPVC windows and doors have thermal insulation properties that are superior to even thermally broken aluminium, and at a very competitive price.
Our uPVC windows and doors have a multi-point locking system for a safer and more secure home. The lock engages at multiple points throughout the frame, instead of a single point like traditional windows and doors.
The joinery is reinforced with steel for additional security, and our double-glazed windows can also be laminated to strengthen the glass.
Our uPVC windows and doors are designed to last over 40 years in the harsh New Zealand environment.
uPVC joinery doesn’t rot or corrode, and is resistant UV light. It does not require painting and can be cleaned simply with warm soapy water as required.
The only maintenance that is occasionally needed is the hinges and other moving parts in the joinery.
Our uPVC joinery not only provides excellent thermal insulation, it also offers very effective soundproofing.
Aluplast uPVC frames are an effective barrier to outside noise, and combined with our double-glazing have been measured to reduce sound by up to 38dB.
Aluplast uPVC joinery is the eco-friendly choice as it’s such an effective thermal insulator, making your home more energy efficient.
uPVC is also a recyclable material, and our supplier in Germany utilises recycled uPVC for internal components. The local market for uPVC is growing rapidly, so we expect to see uPVC being recycled in New Zealand in the future.